Book vs real life: 16 weeks pregnant

September 11, 2016

16 weeks pregnant


This week, What To Expect When You’re Expecting tells me what should be happening at 16 weeks. Frankly, writing these posts every week is quite useful, as I keep forgetting how pregnant I am…


Confession: I’ve tried reading this book numerous times, but hate the tone. It’s just not for me. But it’s something of a bible, and I weirdly own two copies, so let’s give it another try.


The book says…


At 16 weeks pregnant, you’re getting to the point where the bulge in your belly says “baby” and not “fat.” The challenge is to try to embrace your body’s new shape and think of every pound you put on as a sign of good health for you and your baby.


I say…


Up until this week I hadn’t gained any weight at all, but piled on two kilos in five days. No idea why. And I feel HUGE, with fat, not baby. Yesterday someone asked when I was due and they did a not so impressive job of hiding their surprise when I said February.



The book says…


Your uterus is not the only thing that’s starting to swell. The mucous membranes of your nose may be too from all the pregnancy hormones circulating in your body. Unfortunately, the stuffiness may only get worse as your pregnancy progresses.


I say…


Yup, I’m bunged up. Wake up snotty then spend the day trying not pick my nose. It’s all glamour.



The book says…


Tiny bones in your fetus’ ears are in place, making it likely that the baby can hear your voice when you’re speaking (or singing in the shower) at 16 weeks pregnant.


I say…


This genuinely concerns me, as I’ve been having a right moan about being pregnant this week. What if the baby is picking up on all the negativity, and is getting angry in there? Am determined to say lovely things about it, and stop playing crap music. This kid can’t grow up with bad taste.



The book says…


Though vaginal discharge is actually beneficial to your body (it protects the birth canal from infection), it may not feel comfortable. Don’t be tempted to try douches or feminine wipes, however, since they can irritate the genital tract and lead to infection.



I say…


What is it with Americans and douches? I don’t get it. They’re obsessed.



In conclusion…


This has been a really busy week, with lots of meetings and a few nights out (by which I mean quiet meals in our neighbourhood, not raves). I continue to be completely besotted with my body pillow, and would probably – definitely – choose it over my husband, most nights. Okay, every night. Sorry darling, but it doesn’t snore or wake me at 6am.


I also had a session with my counsellor, which I’ll write about separately, as I’ve been a bit worried about feeling low and weepy. Thankfully, she was really reassuring; I’m so glad I went, and feel like I’ve turned a bit of a corner.


Any else at 16 weeks? How are you feeling?

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