FREE downloadable 2017 family wall planner!

January 2, 2017


Confession time: I mock my husband A LOT for his planning. He’s the king of Excel, with our holidays, family meet-ups and more, all plotted out in colour-coded glory.

But guess what? It works. So that shuts me up.

Last year he created a huge (A0) wall planner for our kitchen, and it helped a huge amount for coordinating daily life.




I posted this photo of Phoebe a few months ago and had some people asking about it (you can imagine that it made his day!) so here’s a free basic wall chart for you to download and take to the printer:




To download, just right click in the new browser bar, then ‘Save As’ (or if you’re on a Mac select ‘File’ then ‘Save As’) and it will be saved to your Desktop. It looks like this, and can be printed up to A0 size.


Hope it helps – and Happy New Year! x



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6 responses to “FREE downloadable 2017 family wall planner!”

  1. We have something in common then. My husband has a spreadsheet for everything, literally EVERYTHING that can be plotted!

  2. I have a wall planner too and can NOT live without it! Much preferred a hand written one that I can see in front of me than a digital one!

  3. Diorella Joy says:

    I soo can relate to this. I am also the chief planner in our household. Thanks for sharing this 🙂

  4. Abigail says:

    Thank you for this. One of my main priorities this year is to get organized, I stay on this current state till march hehehe.

  5. Andrea says:

    Please put husband to work on the 2018 version. I’ll print and give to my husband for Christmas 🙂

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